IMPORTANT: Zenith Compatibility with L&R

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IMPORTANT: Zenith Compatibility with L&R

Somal Canada is proud to announce that we carry Zenith Solutions' HighTech


that replaces L&R's solvent base cleaners and HiSolv

Rinse that replace L&R's rinses.

All you need now is two products instead of 4 to 7 cleaning solutions during your

cleaning process. This will help decrease your inventory and be more economical.



Cleaner replaces :


111 Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution

112 Ammoniated Ultrasonic Instrument Cleaning Solution

222 NonAmmoniated

Ultrasonic Instrument Cleaning Solution

566 Ultrasonic NonAmmoniated Watch Cleaning Solution

677 Ultrasonic NonAmmoniated Clock Cleaning Solution



Rinse replaces :


#3 Watch Rinsing Solution

Ultrasonic Instrument Rinsing Solution

Ultrasonic Watch Rinsing Solution



The following explains the outstanding features about HiTech

Cleaner and HiSolv Rinse :


HiTech Cleaner is a FastActing and aggressive cleaner and yet gentle enough not to remove lettering from baked-on enamel coatings. Our chemists formulated

HiTech Cleaner to have strong dissolving properties which is necessary when working on antique watches and clocks that have not been serviced for a long time. When timepieces are not serviced periodically, hardened grease and oil encase movements which then requires strong solvents to remove.


The technology in developing HiTech Cleaner required formulating with new chemicals that recently became available. With the addition of the new chemicals into

HiTech Cleaner the cleaning power is enhanced and movements are restored to their original brilliance.


The Outstanding Features about HiTech Cleaner are:

(1) Strong dissolving properties

(2) Low Odor

(3) No Harmful Ammonia Fumes

(4) A relatively High Flash Point of 130 F.

All of the above make HiTech Cleaner a Safe and Environmentally Friendly cleaning solution.


HiSolv Rinse continues the strong dissolving cleaning action by rinsing away all the debris and cleaning solution that had adhered onto the movements. Once the rinsing cycle has been completed, watchmakers and clockmakers can be reassured that parts are restored to their original Luster and Shine .


Try them, you will be Amazed at the results.


We are convinced that you will be pleased with the performance of HiTech Cleaner and HiSolv Rinse that we offer "Money Back Guarantee" if they do not meet with your approval.

IMPORTANT: Zenith Compatibility with L&R